Podcast: Fighting Anti-Semitism | Ido Aharoni, Diplomat and Founder of the Brand Israel Program
This week on the podcast, we’re talking about a sensitive subject, but after seeing Ido Aharoni speak at the Harvard Club recently, it felt like
This week on the podcast, we’re talking about a sensitive subject, but after seeing Ido Aharoni speak at the Harvard Club recently, it felt like
iHeart 12-01-23 Interview – Ido Aharoni – Israel Ambassador – Latest on Israel, Ongoing Conflict – The Mandy Connell Podcast The Mandy Connell Podcast https://youtu.be/iyE9WrF_To0
Ido Aharoni Aronoff, a distinguished Israeli diplomat and public figure, boasts a 25-year career in Israel’s Foreign Service. Born in Tel Aviv to a historic
פורסם באתר ויינט, 08.11.2023 קישור לקריאת הכתבה המלאה עידו אהרוני, לשעבר הקונסול הכללי של ישראל בניו יורק, ומומחה לשיווק מדינות, תומך בחשיפת הסרטון, אך רק
Tribe Tel Aviv Hosts The Sunset Series: Israel & The World After the Gaza War: A Geopolitical Analysis w/ Ido Aharoni
If you’d like to hear about the bigger picture of the October 7th war, please watch this webinar. Share if you like it. https://youtu.be/dtHOquEGMpo
Founder of CBN Pat Robertson interviews Israeli diplomat about Iran’s nuclear program but is surprised to discover that in the early 1980’s he had a
This panel discussion, moderated by Israeli diplomat Ido Aharoni Aronoff, is featuring human rights activist and former cabinet minister Natan Sharansky, San Francisco based philanthropist
Originally published – May 24th – The Jerusalem Post British musician Roger Waters (76) has made the headlines once again, this time complaining that he had been
פורסם באתר: Ynet מאת: קרי רובינשטיין, 01.07.16 , 00:28 לפני שש שנים, כאשר אביגדור ליברמן, אז שר החוץ, מינה את עידו אהרוני לממלא-מקום הקונסול הכללי